China's evolving perception of the United States' international influence and domestic resiliency has been an important component in how Beijing assesses the international balance of power and its own opportunities to shape—or challenge—the global order. Since the Global Financial Crisis in 2007–2008, Beijing has assessed that the United States is experiencing a slow but steady deterioration of its national power and international influence.
Events of the past 12 months have consolidated this consensus.
But is Beijing's perception of declining U.S. influence and power accurate? And is this narrative setting up the Xi Jinping administration to make strategic miscalculations by overestimating its own relative power? In this open-source analysis, Jude Blanchette, the Freeman Chair in China Studies, and Seth G. Jones, director of the International Security Program, explore the implications for the United States from Beijing's growing perception of U.S. decline.
Beijing’s New Narrative of U.S. Decline
The implications for the United States from Beijing's strengthening assessment of American decline.
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On January 6, 2021, hundreds of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol Building in a failed attempt to halt the certification of the presidential election by Congress. The shocking footage of the violence and unrest, which dominated U.S. media for the next several months and triggered an intense Congressional debate about establishing a January 6 commission, was also heavily covered by foreign media outlets.
Chinese state media, including its flagship nightly news program, Xinwen Liangbo, devoted substantial coverage to the unrest. While this segment avoided exaggeration and stuck mainly to the basic facts, the striking visuals of rioters walking the halls of the Capitol Building largely unmolested made the point Beijing was intending—American democracy is unstable, chaotic, and violent.
Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, China's leaders have looked at the United States with a complex and shifting mixture of fear, admiration, and hostility. During the Cold War, especially during the leadership of Mao Zedong, Beijing saw the United States as the leader of the global "imperialist forces," and warned of U.S. efforts to destabilize China's domestic political and economic system via "peaceful evolution." Yet just as Beijing viewed the United States as a potent threat, it also diagnosed what it believed to be structural and inherent weaknesses in American society stemming from its capitalist system. Thus, the United States was both strong and weak, according to Beijing. This view was famously summed up by Mao Zedong, who, in remarks given in 1956, argued,
"At present, the United States is powerful, but when looked at in a broader perspective, as a whole and from a long-term viewpoint, it has no popular support, its policies are disliked by the people, because it oppresses and exploits them. For this reason, the tiger is doomed."
- Mao Zedong
As ties between the two countries strengthened beginning in the early 1970s, the sharpness of Beijing's public rhetoric on U.S. leadership and power moderated, but the sub rosa discourse stressing the inevitability of U.S. instability and decline remained.
The Global Financial Crisis in 2007–2008 was an inflection point, with a pronounced consolidation of the "capitalist instability" narrative in policymaking and intellectual circles. At the same time, it gave rise to the view that China's own domestic institutional and political system possessed significant advantages relative to Western democracy. The period after the financial crisis saw an explosion of Chinese-language articles extolling the "superiority of the Chinese system" as well as diagnosing the deterioration and atrophy of U.S. financial power and governance competency. This translated into an increasingly confident China on the global stage. "China is a big country and other countries are small countries, and that's just a fact," a senior Chinese diplomat lectured Singapore's foreign minister in 2010.
Beijing's American Narrative
- The United States' democracy and its political system have stopped functioning.
- The United States' conception of "universal values" only maintained global appeal because they were backed by U.S. power. As U.S. strength wanes, so too will the values it promotes.
- The world is no longer looking to the United States for global leadership; the world is moving toward multipolarity; and the East is rising, the West is declining.
The past 12 months have seen another push of this dual narrative—of the "superiority" of China's authoritarian political and economic system coupled with an ongoing and accelerating decline of U.S. domestic competence and international influence. Contributing factors include the rising death toll and economic fallout from the Covid-19 virus and attempts by Donald Trump to deny the legitimacy of President Biden's election victory.
But is Beijing's diagnosis of American atrophy accurate? Does China's increasingly restrictive information environment permit narratives that challenge the status quo view of U.S. decline? Most importantly, if the decline narrative entrenches to become an unshakable political consensus, will Beijing overestimate its own strengths, understate U.S. resilience, and miscalculate in its assessment of—and dealings with—the United States?
To explore these questions, the CSIS Freeman Chair in China Studies and the International Security Program have translated a selection of publicly available materials that have appeared in authoritative venues.
The United States' democracy and its political system have stopped functioning.
'American Democracy' – The End of the Myth美式民主” 神话的终结
The United States has always portrayed itself as a "beacon of democracy," pretending to be a model of democracy in the world, fabricating countless myths about American democracy, and trying its best to sell and export it to other countries, even through the use of force.1 However, this violent attack on Congress has exposed the myth of "American democracy,"2 proving that the United States is not a democratic Garden of Eden. There are fundamental flaws to "American democracy."
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One of the myths of "American democracy" is that fierce conflicts and civil wars caused by power struggles can be avoided through elections so as to achieve the smooth transition of power… Now, this "American Democracy" that incited protesters to attack Congress and broadcast it live to the entire world proves that elections may not guarantee the peaceful transfer of political power.3
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"美式民主"的神话之一是选举可以避免权力争夺造成的激烈冲突和内战,实现权力的平稳过渡... 现在,这场煽动抗议者冲击国会、向全世界公开播放的"美式民主"实景秀证明,选举未必能够保证政治权力的和平交接.
The poor performance of the U.S. government in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic proves once again that "American democracy" cannot bring about effective governance4. After the outbreak, some American politicians bore no responsibility for the lives of the people, ignored science, and did not take active measures to deal with the pandemic, allowing it to continue to spread, causing a major failure in pandemic prevention… The failure of pandemic prevention has stripped away the emperor's new clothes of the American democratic system and exposed the political and governance failures of the United States.
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美国政府面对新冠肺炎疫情的种种拙劣表现,再次证明"美式民主"无法带来有效治理。疫情发生后,美国一些政客不为民众生命负责,无视科学,不采取积极措施应对疫情,任由疫情不断蔓延,造成防疫重大失败... 防疫失败剥开了美国民主制度的皇帝新衣,暴露了美国的政治失能和治理失灵.
The Deterioration of Western Politics Further Harms the World西方政治劣质化进一步贻害世界
The Western political camp produces more and more ideological viruses, public opinion gunpowder, and political garbage, causing waves of serious pollution to surge through the global political ecology. Some Western politicians who lack ethics and professional standards continue to lob inferior political products, worsening the environment for international exchanges and cooperation, interfering with the process of globalization, dragging down the development of economic and trade relations, and disrupting global production chains. What's more, this also artificially creates enemies and triggers international conflicts.
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Westerners, especially younger generations, have declining confidence and trust in Western-style democracy year by year, and American confidence in the democratic system has dropped to its lowest point in 20 years. American society has become more torn apart, money politics has distorted public opinion, elections have become a "one-man show" of tycoons and oligarchs, and racial discrimination and the politics of hate have intensified, impacting the very foundation of American politics. More and more scholars have even pointed out that the alienation and deterioration of Western-style democracy has intensified or that it may be submerged by populism or eroded by chauvinism, xenophobia, and fascism.
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Looking back at history, it is precisely because the United States and the West themselves wasted a period of historical opportunity that the world has traveled down such a dark path. The period from the late 1980s to the early 1990s marked the end of the Cold War. Marked by the fall of the Berlin Wall and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the post-World War II confrontation between the West and the East, the capitalists and socialists, [between] NATO (led by the United States) and the Warsaw Pact (led by the Soviet Union) ended, and the world entered the "post-Cold War Era." After the collapse and destruction of the Soviet Union during the Cold War, the United States represented the West on the apex of the world, reaping trillions [of dollars] in "Cold War dividends." At the same time, however, the West seemed to be suffering from "political fanaticism"—on the one hand, it wanted to export democracy to the outside world in a vain attempt to dominate the world; on the other hand, they perceived conflicts and confrontations amongst different civilizations and religious cultures. As a result, the world was once again divided into two camps by Western politicians: Western hegemony, led by the United States, and the non-Western world of suppressed and sanctioned countries.
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The United States' conception of "universal values" only maintained global appeal because they were backed by U.S. power. As U.S. strength wanes, so too will the values it promotes.
Behind the Political Chaos: The Decline of American Values政治乱象的背后:美式价值观的衰落
After World War II, the United States advocated and vigorously promoted a series of so-called universal values1, including democracy, freedom, and human rights. These values were regarded as the cornerstones of the global order dominated by the United States and the West. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War marked a point at which the value system advertised by the United States reached its highest global momentum and even the so-called end of history emerged. However, history does not evolve in accordance with American visions and plans. Rather, it is only an illusion that all countries in the world embrace American values. The concepts of democracy, freedom, and human rights are not problematic. The issue, however, is who ought to interpret them and who ought to judge them. With its strong position, the United States has monopolized the interpretation of these concepts for a long time and it has been difficult for the developing countries to have a voice in the discussion.
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In recent years, this situation has been changing. On the one hand, the values advocated by the United States have been unable to guarantee good economic and social effects, and its role model and influence in the world have fallen sharply. The polarization between the rich and the poor, and the consolidation of classes in the United States have become more pronounced.2 The people are not optimistic about their futures. Polls show that most Americans have lost trust in their own political elites and believe that they do not represent the interests of the people. In the United States, dissatisfaction with democracy has become a common phenomenon, and the rate of dissatisfaction with democracy exceeds the rate of satisfaction.
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The United States has turned a blind eye to its own problems and still acts as the global "mentor" of democracy and human rights. Calling Hong Kong rioters 'heroes of democracy'3 does not prevent them from calling Trump supporters, who seized the Capitol, rioters. The populism of the U.S. economy is prevalent, and the government unscrupulously promotes unilateralist protection policies, erects barriers to free trade, and builds walls against foreign investment4, clearly violating the values of free trade and a free market economy for which it advocates. The "double standards" of the United States are so obvious, so common, and so hypocritical that it is becoming increasingly unable to justify its actions, unable to win the trust of the world, and increasingly unable to win the trust of its people.
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In essence, the reason why American values have been able to dominate the world for a long time is not because of their so-called universality but rather because of the strength of the United States, especially its economic and technological prowess. However, in the past decade or so, with the large-scale financial crisis and sovereign debt crisis, the American economic myth has been broken, and its S&T strength has not allowed it to monopolize the world. In addition, the United States also believes that it has encountered real challenges, and the nationwide suppression of the Chinese private enterprise Huawei5 highlights this anxiety.
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American values are declining. This reflects the decline in the overall strength of the United States.6 Hard indicators such as GDP, manufacturing capacity, and S&T strength can largely explain this problem. The decline of its soft power, however, especially the influence of its values, will be a fundamental change.
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As everyone has recognized, the political chaos in the United States is merely a symptom of America's chronic illness, not the cause. The social and political problems of the United States are deeply entrenched, and the country may no longer be able to lead the West in the future, let alone dominate the world. The "American Era" in which the United States dominated the world is becoming a thing of the past. This is why Western countries were both shocked and frightened by the fall of the Capitol.
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The world is no longer looking to the United States for global leadership; the world is moving toward multipolarity; and the East is rising, the West is declining.
Trump's Failures and Their Consequences危局与新局
The United States has shifted from acting as the creator and defender of the existing international order to its greatest disruptor, and its reputation and credibility in the international community have suffered more than ever before. Trump's huge failure in responding to Covid-19, serious racial and social conflicts, hopeless political polarization and confrontation, unprecedented disputes over the outcome of the general election, and on and on have also riddled with holes the myth of the superiority of American institutions and morals. This is Trump's failure, and it is also the tragedy of the United States.
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Externally, Trump's four years of misbehavior have reduced the world's expectations for the leadership of the United States and confidence in the United States in playing a responsible role in international affairs to a new low not seen since the end of the Cold War. In a multipolar world, the pace of decentralization is accelerating, and the world needs new forces to promote cooperation and governance. In the next decade, the development of regional and cross-regional cooperation, the further growth of emerging economies and their more active role on the international stage, Europe's pursuit of ‘strategic autonomy,' and the creation of new mechanisms of cooperation will accelerate the pace of international political and economic restructuring in the post-hegemony era.
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To what extent can the Biden administration heal the trauma wrought by Trump? At home, Biden will seek to alleviate political divisions and racial conflicts. However, the state of polarization is beyond cure, and racial discrimination is a systemic disease. These are hardly expected to change significantly in the short term. Internationally, Biden will attempt to repair alliances, restore U.S. influence in international institutions, and restore U.S. leadership. However, the world is no longer the world of the past, and the United States is not the United States of the past. No matter how determined Biden may be and no matter how rich his team's experience in governance may be, in the face of a changed reality, it is hard to escape a sense of powerlessness.
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China’s Development Environment is Facing Profound and Complex Changes我国发展环境面临深刻复杂变化
That the world today is experiencing profound changes unseen in a century is a significant strategic judgment made by General Secretary Xi Jinping. The "14th Five-Year Plan" period is different from the previous five-year plan periods in that the international environment has undergone 'profound changes unseen in a century1.' Accurately grasping the rich implications and the development trends of this major change is the prerequisite and foundation to properly coping with the changes and seizing its strategic opportunities. More specifically, this new stage of scientific and technological innovation and industrial transformation is an important driving force behind this great change, while the profound shift in the international balance of power -- 'the rise of the East and the decline of the West2 -- drives these development trends. The global Covid-19 pandemic served as the catalyst for this great change. The basic characteristic of this period is that the world is entering a period of turbulent change.
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We can also see that in recent years, the United States and other developed countries have fallen into an economic and social decline. The lack of developmental vitality, the hollowing out of industries, an aging population, and a widening income gap are problems that seriously threaten economic development and create serious divisions within their societies.1 On the other hand, developing countries and emerging market economies are on the rise, and the trend has been accelerated; the most revolutionary change in the international balance of power in recent history is taking place. In recent years, emerging market economies and developing countries have accounted for nearly 40 percent of the total global economy, and their contribution to world economic growth has reached 80 percent, making these countries the main driving force behind global economic growth. The profound shift in the international balance of power has driven major changes in the international landscape with regards to the economy, science and technology, culture, security, and politics. Additionally, this shift has catalyzed profound changes in the global governance system, making the Western monopoly on international affairs unsustainable, effectively increasing the status and discourse power2 of emerging market economies and developing countries.
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Conclusion and Implications
Many of the above critiques of the U.S. political system contain elements of truth—or, at a minimum, these criticisms cannot be dismissed lightly. Of course, it is true that Beijing's extensive censorship apparatus and state-controlled media ecosystem ensure that robust discussion of the country's own challenges—and the leadership's own performance—remain off limits. Still, it is important to understand how Chinese government officials, scholars, and other experts are framing the United States' position in the world.
Addressing the many and obvious shortcomings and deficiencies in American society—including racial injustice, wealth inequality, and dysfunctional aspects of government—are critical priorities in their own right. Yet Beijing's focus on the challenges of American politics and society highlights the Biden administration's need to repair the damage to U.S. domestic institutions as it considers its broader China strategy. While a certain degree of Beijing's propaganda efforts will continue to paint American democracy as broken regardless of the facts on the ground, this narrative is aided by the blatant tensions and challenges the United States now confronts at home.
But the consolidation of the "American decline" narrative in China, coupled with the increasingly restrictive public square and state-controlled media, means that space to challenge or refine this perspective is shrinking. The more this view becomes official dogma, the more likely Beijing is to overestimate U.S. decline.
The U.S. economy has already started to rebound, with some economists projecting 4.3 percent growth in 2021 following a contraction of 2.5 percent in 2020. As of June 24, 2021, more than 46 percent of the U.S. population has been fully vaccinated, whereas China is not expecting to reach that percentage for at least another month. In addition, the United States continues to outspend China on defense ($738 billion for the United States compared to $193 billion for China in 2020) and research and development (3.1 percent for the United States compared to 2.2 percent for China in 2019)—hardly signs of U.S. decline. A flurry of high-level U.S. meetings over the past several months, most recently at the G7 Summit in the United Kingdom, also indicate that the United States is strengthening its relations with partners in Europe and Asia, including through the Quad, which includes the United States, Japan, India, and Australia.
doses administered per 100 people, as of March 30, 2021
Gross domestic spending on R&D, as % of GDP
In light of these realities, China's confidence—and likely overconfidence—may lead to an international posture that is more emboldened, confident, and confrontational. This has already been expressed with the proliferation of a "wolf warrior" attitude by Chinese officials and diplomats. A China that overestimates its own strength while underestimating the United States' strength is a worrying combination, for it may well lead Beijing to miscalculate in one of a number of geopolitically significant areas, most worryingly in the Taiwan Strait. The prospect of Xi Jinping continuing to cling to power after the 20th Party Congress in late 2022 further forestalls a needed course correction, as criticisms of China's current approach are seen as criticisms of Xi himself.